Malia is feeling well so far, although she'd beginning to outgrow the new shirts we bought just a week or two ago. The little one is not so little anymore either... She's gotten a lot more active, too. When she gets in a mood, we can actually see her doing somersaults in there. Very weird, but very cool at the same time.
We go to the doctor again on Friday for our monthly checkup, but as far as we can tell everything is looking good! I think the doctor wanted to screen Malia for gestational diabetes on this visit, but again, everything is going swell so far.
I have to apologize about the poll. It doesn't seem to be working and I can't figure out why. I'll try to get it fixed soon and maybe even add an option to submit your own name suggestion for our little bundle o' joy. I'm split at the moment between Bathsheba and Jermajesty...
This last Friday, April 1st, was our 7th wedding anniversary. I wanted to make it really special since Malia is pregnant, so I bought us tickets to Teatro ZinZanni which is a crazy dinner-circus-theater-show thing. Now, if you live in the Seattle area and haven't done this yet, do yourself a favor and put this on your to-do list. The food was great and the show was even better. Our faces hurt afterwards from laughing the whole time. Its pricey, but worth it.
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A camera so awesome, it takes its own picture. |
We got a new toy this last weekend, too: A Nikon D90. I've been a bit of a photography nerd for some time and have had a couple of really nice film SLR cameras, but nothing this nice in the world of digital. I got a smoking deal on it through craigslist to boot. I was a little leery about carrying that much cash to meet some jerkwad from the interwebs, so I made sure we met in a very busy Starbucks on a Sunday morning in Kirkland. All went well and I got myself and my shiny new gadget home safely. It's been fun learning how to use it, but its gonna take me awhile to master the damn thing. Its got submenus of submenus of submenus of options, settings and other customizable wizbangs. Oh, and its heavy, too. Heavy means good in electronics, right?
Spring is definitely here. It hit me as I was outside on Sunday, mowing the grass with a jacket on... Now, I grew up in the South where there are two seasons: Hot and Not-So-Hot. So I thought the idea of mowing with a jacket on was pretty damn funny considering I grew up having a heat stroke while mowing. We finally got the shed organized, too. That thing has looked like the aftermath of a lawn & garden center explosion ever since we got it. The funny thing is that it only took 1 Saturday's worth of time and about $60 to get it organized. Must be all those Star Trek reruns...
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$4 a gallon? That means I can have gold plated lavatory! |
plant on Tuesday with one of my old coworkers
from Kenmore Air. He got a job there as a Manufacturing Engineer about 3 months before I did! He took me on one of the infamous 787's being built right now. I know that it is made from mostly composites, but I was really surprised how much of the airplane was composite. Pretty much the whole damn airplane, with the exceptions of some high stress parts and the engines, of course. Next, we went over to see the massive new 747-800 Intercontinental. That thing is seriously freaking huge. I wish I could have taken pictures to show you guys because it was really pretty impressive to think that that thing actually flies. The one we saw happened to be one being built for a member of the Saudi royal family. It was getting decked out with a wicked custom interior: showers, hot tub, bowling name it. The base price for the airplane alone without engines and interior is around $380 million...... Just remember that next time you fill up you gas tank.
Great picture of you and Malia at the dinner theater! It is also so amazing to watch the baby "grow" every week. We enjoy getting the weekly news from the great NW. We will set up Skype once baby is here. You do have a camera on your computer, don't you????????