My little girl |
Wow, what an awesome day today has turned out to be! I got my official offer letter from Boeing, we found out that we are having a little baby girl and the freaking sun was shining... I don't know how today could get much better.
Malia and I made it to the hospital way too early, but turned out to be a good thing. We were told to go and check in with the main admitting office on the 1st floor, but they immediately sent us to another check-in office on another floor who, of course, sent us to another office on another floor to finally get the ultrasound done. No wonder healthcare costs so much.
In Russia, baby take own pictures |
Anyway, once we met our tech, a nice strong Russian lady named Olga (not kidding), she took us right back and got right down to business. She found the baby in no time flat and began making all of the necessary measurements for the scan. It was becoming difficult for her to do her job between Malia's continuously filling bladder and the fact that our little girl is quite fidgety...just like her Mom already.
Boy, this ultrasound was quite different from the last one. Last time, we had to have the doctor point out was the hell we were looking at, but not this time! Most everything was pretty obvious; arms, legs...even little toes and fingers! She was pretty damn active, too. In the span of about an hour, she flipped end-over-end at least three times that I counted and even waved at us a couple of times. The pictures don't do the scan justice. Olga seemed to pick the worst views to snap a picture for us. I was going to ask for a better one, but I was afraid she might hurt me.
The Doc came in after Olga was done and took a look for himself. He looked at us and said,
"Well, you're definitely pregnant..." with a big grin. He said that it looked like we had a really healthy baby. He also said that we looked to be about 17 weeks and not the 18 weeks that our OB doc thought we were at. Looks like we'll have to do another 18 week belly pic again for next Monday.
The really weird part about that is that being at 17 weeks pushes our due date to close to the end of July. July 21st just happens to be the 10 year anniversary of our "first date". Wouldn't that be weird?
The other awesome thing for today is my offer letter from Boeing... I got an email today with the offer letter and immediately opened it up. I was really very anxious to see whether or not they were going to put me in for the level 2 or level 3 position since the job listing was for a level 2/3. I was slightly disappointed to see that they offered me the level 2 position, but I was floored when I saw what the pay was. It was WAAAAAAAAAAAY more than I was expecting. It was quite a bit higher than my highest estimate of what they would pay. Maybe now we can actually afford daycare for our new little girl!
This will be my first purchase with my new, huge, paycheck |