Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekly Belly Pic - 17 weeks

It's that time again for the weekly belly pic!  OK, I know that this in only the second one, but whatever...  So, with much protest and "I really hate you right now"s I managed to coax her off the couch to get a picture.  See that beautiful smile?  Yeah, there were lots of "Take the damn picture" and "I will punch you...right in the mouth" and other imaginative expletives. Ah yes, the mother of my children, or child at least : )

Next week we hopefully get to find out the sex of our little bun in the oven.  I'm so stoked...I can hardly wait.  It seems like we've been putting all the planning and doing of stuff to prepare on hold until we find out.  Feels like I should be doing something...

Malia is feeling well, thankfully.  With the way this is going so far, I may be able to talk her into another one ; )  Before I get too far ahead of myself though, we need to figure out how to deal with just the one first.  Speaking of another one; Malia's cousin, Kelsey, just found out that she is having twins!  Seems like twins tends to run on Malia's Moms side of the family.  This has given me some mild panic attacks as the date of our ultrasound draws closer... I imagine that we would have noticed that she was getting abnormally large by now or that the doctor would have said something.  Probably nothing to worry about, but still.

In other news; Malia's Dad, David, had a mild heart attack last week.  He had an angioplasty to make sure that everything looked OK.  He's doing fine and all is well, but everyone was a bit tense for a few hours.  No new news from Boeing either.  Hopefully I hear something soon, fingers crossed!


  1. Slight correction Dad had an angiogram (sp?) and they determined only a change in medication is needed.

    Also, I did not say I would punch him in the mouth this time anyway...


  2. But think about it Zack - twins would mean that you catch up with me and you'd **beat** Jeremy... I'm glad that Malia's Dad's medical issue can be corrected with medication and think that Boeing needs to get their $h!t together and call you ASAP.
    Love to the two and a half Leakes

  3. We are loving this blog page stuff! Just think, only 22 (or 23)
    more pictures to go. Maybe y'all can make a flipbook movie
    out of them later. : )
    Love to you both and prayers for David.
