Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Post Numero Uno

So, I'm pretty new to this blogging thing and I'm not too sure how it's gonna go. However, if you were brave, or stupid, enough to make your way here, then welcome!

I want to get something out in the open right away about this blog. I like commas and exclamation points, a lot. So, if you are a Grammar Nazi and already noticed that I have horribly misused them in the sprite two paragraphs that I've typed so far, then you may want to leave now. It will get worse. I am sure that I will horribly mangle the English language and its overly complicated set of grammar and punctuation rules.

OK, still here? Good.

I've put this little blog together to keep our far-flung friends and family up to date with the goings on of our little family up here in the great Pacific Northwest. I'll try and update as much as I can, but the only promise I can give you is that I can't promise anything. With a full time Engineering course load, I've pretty much got my hands full. I'll try to get Malia to contribute as much as possible as well, but like I said promises. :)

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